Saturday, July 24, 2010

WHat is the name of the Irish Parliment?

The common name for the parliament in the Irish Republic is "D谩il Eireann", or "the D谩il" as most people call it here. It's roughly pronounced 'dawl'. The second house is the "Seanad" (Senate), but it has relatively minor importance compared to the D谩il. Both houses together are called the "Oireacteas" - this term is not normally used however. When Irish people think of the parliament they think of the D谩il. The building where they meet is called "Leinster House". It's in Kildare St. in Dublin.

Stormont is just the name of the castle in Northern Ireland where the elected representatives are meant to meet. The name for the parliament in Northern Ireland is the "Northern Ireland Assembly", or more colloquially, the "Stormont Assembly". Not that there *is* an assembly in place there at the moment. Right now, Northern Ireland doesn't have a parliament. It is ruled directly from Westminster in London.

WHat is the name of the Irish Parliment?

Or Mr Potatoe head .

I know what I remember.
Reply:The Stormont for Northern Ireland

Oireachtas for Ireland

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